Every week we give almost half a million people aged 6-25 the skills they need for school, further education, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dream. We need to show everyone that the skills young people from all backgrounds need for life. Get started by registering on the Scouts brand centre.

After you’ve registered, you’ll find your shiny new personalised logo waiting for you on all your templates. You can also customise your logo with the logo generator but remember, you don’t need to add the words ‘Scouts, ‘Group’, ‘District or ‘County’. There’s a choice of linear and stacked versions – but please don’t be tempted to design your own

Show passers-by that you’re part of our amazing movement. You can create and order a new sign in the new brand in minutes. It’s available in different sizes (you can also ask for a customized size), all nation colours and with a choice of delivery options. (Think about including Explorer Scouts and Scouts Network even if they don’t meet at your HQ).

The Scouts brand centre is offering a 20% discount off all signs until 01 February 2020.

How we talk makes a big difference to the way people feel about us. Talking in a more natural way, using real examples will make people want to listen. Talk in a down-to-earth, conversational way. Like you speak, in fact. Explain what a skill is and what can be done with it. Tell a story with real examples that inspires young people, parents and potential volunteers. Think about what a young person would say.

How do you look on social media? Your new logo can be your profile picture, and you can make social media banners using templates from the brand centre. You should update the profile description too – if it talks about adventure, talk about skills for life instead. Your images should still show fun, friendship and adventure.

Think about what people can see online. Make sure your new logo is visible on your website and that there’s a clear message about skills for life. Use our ‘How we talk’ guide to update the language too. There are companies out there who offer website templates but check that the basics are right first.

Got an event coming up? A bright, bold banner is a brilliant way to draw a crowd. Create your own indoor and outdoor banners in a variety of sizes. You can choose the design and add our skills for life message.

With thousands of minibuses criss-crossing the country, vehicles are a great way to share our skills for life message with new people. You can create and order personalised branding for vehicles and trailers from the brand centre.

You name and logo on clothing makes Scouts more visible in communities, starts conversations and gets people interested. Hampshire Scouts will soon be offering County T-shirts, Hoodies and neckers.

Why not hold a special evening to show off the new you? Invite parents along and show one of our award willing films, such as ‘Nat’s Story’ or ‘Ted’s story’, which are both available on the brand centre.

© 2019 Hampshire Scouts, Charity Number 1015788. Proudly built and supported by Cloud Digital Solutions.
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