Brand Training

Our Scouts in Hampshire are often doing amazing things and we always try and get our stories out into the wider world through television, radio and online. But how do we shout about Scouts effectively?

The Media and Communications team within Hampshire Scouts are here for you! We help with everything perception and run annual courses to train you up so you can confidently talk about Scouts and what we do. Plus there are factsheets to help you all year round for anyone.


We run two courses to help train people up in talking to the media, the Scouts brand, answering any difficult questions and selling a story.

Scouts Speak Up is our course for young people. We have an adventure, learn about the brand and build our confidence. Plus we include practicing in front of cameras, in a radio interview situation and get to grips with the print press. Its our residential course and best of all its free.

We also run Adult Media Workshops in a day to cover the key skills and knowledge, just like we do for our young people. We focus more on tackling tricky questions and how to come across on social media.


We produce a number of factsheets to help remind people of the facts and to quickly introduce you to a topic. They're very helpful for talking to the press, writing content for websites and social media and for recruitment events.

You're a what?

Using role titles when talking to those outside of Scouts.

Let the picture do the talking.

Taking powerful photos to use in Scouts.

Moving with the times.

Avoiding jargon and stereotypes when talking about Scouts.

Making a good impression.

Running stalls at conferences, events and universities.

Reliance, patience and other -ence words.

Talking about the skills that the Scouts give us.

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